Poul Sander's links


Here you will find some of the things I have worked with and other stuff

Block Attack - Rise of the Blocks This is my little Tetris Attack clone that I have spend some time on. It's under the GPL license and works on Windows NT/2k/xp/2k3 and Linux

Ostenfeld.dk The dorm there lived for more than 6 years. I used to be active in the Netgroup there.

Technical University of Denmark The university there I studied. Been there from September 2003 to October 2009.

Mozilla I have used Mozilla's browsers for a long time. And since thay relesed the e-mail client Thunderbird, I have used that too. I can strongly recommend Firefox and especially Thunderbird.

Jord Miljø A/S company where I have worked as IT-administrator since spring 2007.

OpenArena An open version of Quake III: Arena. Completely under the GPL. Great way to kill time between lectures. I have later been more involved in the development process.

Schilling is where I worked as an system developer for 5 and a half years between February 2012 and July 2015. We primarily work with the publishing industry. I specifically work with the order system and integration with other systems.

Unity In August 2015 I joined the integration team at Unity.

Blog My blog. Not that I am a very active blogger but occasionally I have something to share.

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